Doğru Stratejiyi Seçmek: Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi

Doğru Stratejiyi Seçmek: Bütünleşik Pazarlama İletişimi

Türkiye, yabancı ihracatçılar için düşük vergi politikası, coğrafi özellikleri, genç neslin hiç bitmeyen tüketim talebi ve yerel pazar hacmi nedeniyle küresel sermaye için avantajlı bir pazar olmaya devam ediyor. Her geçen yıl çok sayıda şirket Türkiye pazarına yeni oyuncular olarak dahil oluyor.

Bu şirketlerin iletişim ve strateji gereksinimleri söz konusu olduğunda ilk akla gelen ya doğru iletişim kanalları ve iletişim stratejisi belirlemek ya da pazarlama ve iletişim konusunda uzmanlaşmış yerel kişi ve kuruluşlara ulaşmak oluyor.

Son yıllarda şirketler bütünleşik pazarlama iletişimini tercih ediyor. Senkronize ve tek bir stratejik yaklaşım sağlayan bu süreç, marka hikayesine sadık kalarak yerel pazarlara açılan küresel firmalara büyük kolaylık sağlıyor, böylece reklam dilinin bütünlüğünü koruyor ve marka hakkında net bir mesaj alınmasını sağlıyor.

Markaların ihtiyaçlarına göre geliştirilen bütünleşik pazarlama iletişimi, farklı pazarlama kanalları ile tüketicilere tutarlı bir mesaj ileterek marka farkındalığı yaratılmasına büyük katkı sağlıyor. Bu tutarlı marka algısı, süreç içinde müşteri sadakatine dönüşecek güçlü tüketici ilişkileri geliştirmek için çok önemlidir.

Bu avantajların yanı sıra bütünleşik pazarlama iletişimi, pazarlama sürecinde ortaya çıkan tekrarı önlediği ve tek bir ajansla çalışmayı mümkün kıldığı için maliyet açısından da daha verimli. Bu sayede ajans giderleri şirketler için mali bir yük olmaktan çıkarken aynı zamanda zamandan da tasarruf sağlıyor.

BCCT Üyesi BGA Partners, global markaların yerel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak üzere 2008 yılından bu yana müşterilerine bu şekilde hizmet veriyor ve entegre pazarlama iletişimi ajansı olarak onların ‘hedef ortağı’ haline geliyor. İletişim hayatın her alanında olduğu gibi markanız için de çok önemli. BGA Partners, markanızı yerel taleplerle buluşturuyor ve marka hikayenizle birlikte yerel pazara uygun gerçek entegre pazarlama iletişimi stratejileriyle başarılı olmak için çalışıyor. Onların bakış açısına göre başarı, bir listeye yeni müşteriler eklemek değil. Aksine, satış sıralaması sonuçlarınızdaki artışı görmek. BGA Partners bugüne kadar çok sayıda ulusal ve küresel markanın hedef ortağı oldu. Şimdi sizin misyonunuzu paylaşmaya hazır.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Dijital Reklam Yatırımları Ne Kadar Etkili?

Dijital Reklam Yatırımları Ne Kadar Etkili?

Dijital teknolojiler her geçen gün hayatımızda daha fazla yer kaplıyor. Ofislerimizde sürekli bilgisayar başındayız, evimizde ve yurt dışında cep telefonlarımıza yapışmış durumdayız. Buna paralel olarak dijital reklamcılık da her geçen gün gelişiyor ve güçleniyor. Dijital reklamcılık sayesinde reklam ajansları ve müşterileri, hedef kitlelerinin reklam filmlerini 30 saniye boyunca dikkatleri dağılmadan izlemelerini, reklam panolarının önünden geçmelerini, reklamlarını yayınladıkları dergileri okumalarını ummak zorunda değiller. Günümüzde mesajlar, önceden belirlenmiş hedeflere, önceden belirlenmiş bir zamanda, yerinde iletilebiliyor.

Dijital reklamcılığın etkisi ve performansı uzun süredir gündemde olan bir konu. Dünyanın en büyük dijital meslek örgütü olan IAB’nin Türkiye ayağı, dijital reklamcılığın marka bilinirliği, reklam beğenisi ve diğer mecralar üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek üzere “Dijital Reklamcılığın Markalar Üzerindeki Etkisi” başlıklı bir araştırma projesi gerçekleştirdi.

Örneklemi 6.000 kişi olan araştırma projesi, Türkiye’de dijital reklamcılığın etkilerine işaret ediyor. Araştırmaya göre, dijital reklamlar reklam karmasından daha fazla pay aldığında, markalar diğer mecralarda daha görünür hale geliyor ve daha kolay hatırlanıyor. Dijital kampanyalar, diğer mecralardaki reklamlarla kıyaslandığında belirgin bir fark yaratıyor.

Dijital mecraların reklam kampanyalarında etkin kullanımı, hedef kitleyi harekete geçiriyor. Dijital mecralar kampanyaları tamamladığında dikkat oranları %90, istek oranları %33, aksiyon oranları ise %31 oranında artıyor. Dijital mecraların satın alma kararları üzerindeki etkisi, televizyon reklamlarının ve diğer reklam türlerinin etkisinden daha fazla.

“Dijital Reklamın Markalar Üzerindeki Etkisi” araştırmasının bir diğer saptaması ise dijital reklamın markaların etkileşimi ve beğenisi üzerindeki rolü. Markalar dijital mecralarda daha aktif hale geldiklerinde beğenilme oranları artıyor ve tüketicinin marka ile etkileşimi yükseliyor.

Araştırmanın ortaya koyduğu bir diğer sonuç ise dijital mecraların marka itibarına olan katkısı. Tüketiciler, dijital platformlarda var olan markalara yenilikçi, samimi, güvenilir ve lider gibi özellikler atfetmeye daha meyilli oluyor.

Türkiye, nüfusunun yarısından fazlasının internette aktif olması nedeniyle dijital reklamcılık açısından önemli bir potansiyel sunuyor.

Türkiye’de dijital reklam yatırımları televizyon reklam yatırımlarından sonra ikinci sırada geliyor. Hedef ortağınız olarak BGA Partners, etkili dijital stratejiler oluşturarak Türkiye pazarında istikrarlı bir konum ve marka bilinirliği sağlamayı taahhüt ediyor. Bütünleşik pazarlama iletişimi ajansı olmanın avantajıyla BGA PArtners, dijitalde olduğu kadar diğer mecralarda da müşterilerinize markanızla ilgili özgün ve net mesajlar veriyor.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Loyalty ıs a one-tıme purchase!

Loyalty ıs a one-tıme purchase!

The customer-based goals of brands are basically divided into two: Acquiring new customers and ensuring the loyalty, i.e. continuity, of existing customers.

It is very important to strike a balance between both goals. However, the term balance here should not be seen as “being proportional at a certain moment”. Depending on economic indicators, company targets and conjunctural developments, one may be given more weight than the other “at a given moment”.

Take for example the period when the phrase “It costs more to acquire new customers than to maintain customer continuity” was the favorite of the marketing world.

CRMs, loyalty programs, feedbacks, customer satisfaction… Not social media itself, but the diversity of its possibilities was just being discovered. The marketing world was looking for ways to create customer loyalty.

Of course, it is not possible to underestimate the concepts listed above or similar ones. Given that data is everything today, a customer-centric approach is also a unique resource.

However, experience has shown that focusing on customer loyalty alone cannot take brands very far. For example, we experienced a reality like the pandemic. The masses who were locked at home gave themselves to shopping. There was an incredible interest in online marketplaces and a significant increase in sales. This experience clearly showed that conditions are one of the main determinants, albeit sometimes extremely harsh and sometimes more flexible. Of course, in such an environment, it would not make sense to say “loyalty” and it would be a big mistake to ignore the new travelers of online marketplaces.

As a result of the development in communication technologies and the all-encompassing use of new media, the methods of accessing data have also diversified. Therefore, it was soon seen that it would not be wise to use the treasure we call data only for loyalty.

Moreover, Generation Z, the main actor of the new era, has changed the situation a bit. A generation that does not know what loyalty is, a generation that does not feel brand loyalty at all… Images, not emotions, drive them. A “collection of individuals” who focus on the responses they receive to their needs and expectations instead of establishing emotional bonds…


At this point, the important thing is not to establish a continuous relationship with the audience you want to reach, but to establish a relationship that is constantly renewed, rebuilt at every moment, convincing and meaningful, but recurring without ever breaking. Something like “the first 50 kisses”… A relationship that is exhausting but never loses its excitement.

It is impossible to know how this relationship will change in the future, but this seems to be the key today.

So what, or what is it, that will ensure both the acquisition of new customers and the loyalty of existing ones? In other words, how do you turn golden data into benefits, differentiate your brand and make your messages heard amidst the suffocating cacophony?

There are many different critical elements, but here are the three most important ones: Creativity, repetition and continuity, consistency.

To put it very briefly, in order to attract the attention of consumers and stand out from your competitors, you must first produce creative content. Then you should deliver this content to your target audience with certain repetitions and continuity. While doing all this, you should analyze the data you have well and give messages that can meet the expectations of your target audience and the unique conditions of different channels, but that have consistency in themselves and activate the consumer by establishing the right connection with your brand.

If you can achieve this, it is possible to reach new and loyal customers at the same time.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Sustaınable sustaınabılıty tıps…

Sustaınable sustaınabılıty tıps...

Unfortunately, the relationship between the popularity of concepts and their richness in terms of content has an inversely proportional mechanism. The more popular a concept becomes and the more it is repeated, the emptier its content becomes.

The culture of consumption erodes thoughts and ideas like physical commodities.

The concept of “sustainability”, which has been in our lives for a while, suffers from the same problem.

Nowadays, everyone has a “sustainability” story on their lips. But how full are these stories?

The answer is yours…

Of course, when we think independently of all this, the concept of “sustainability” is of indisputable importance. It is inevitable for all individuals and organizations to think about this concept for a livable world and future. “Sustainability”, which derives its power from environmental awareness, includes all elements that affect the environment. Production, product, material, organization, consumption, process and of course marketing… Every “thing” you can think of has to pass through the sustainability filter.

From a marketing perspective, we have to admit that customers are much more likely to engage with sustainable brands. The challenge is to create meaningful, impactful sustainability messages that appeal to your target audience.

A study conducted by Google on this important topic contains important data.

Google asked more than 3,000 users from different backgrounds to report sustainability messages that they felt did not appeal to them.

Using artificial intelligence to determine how users felt about certain images, text and creative approaches, Google clustered and analyzed thousands of opinions by theme. The research revealed the three most common sustainability-related marketing problems:

Problem 1: Being limited to education campaigns

According to the research, consumers are knowledgeable about sustainable consumption habits, but are desperate to adopt them more easily and less expensively. Many complain that they cannot afford to consume sustainably. Instead of repeating common slogans and overwhelming consumers with information they already know, developing sustainable products and making their existing products sustainable is the most efficient way out for brands.

Problem 2: Making negative warnings to draw attention to the problem

Using dramatic rhetoric and visuals to grab consumers’ attention can distract them from the issue. In theory, it may seem logical to use emotive messaging to clearly communicate the seriousness of the issue. But practice doesn’t always match theory. Instead, it is much better for brands to engage in sincere and meaningful sustainability activities and communicate the positive developments they have achieved as a result of these activities to consumers.

Problem 3: Giving unrealistic, empty messages

Perhaps the most dangerous thing for a brand to do in sustainability or any other area of social responsibility is to give the appearance of “just following trends”. According to Google’s research, some consumers describe brands’ sustainability messaging as “self-justifying, exaggerated or unconvincing”. These findings are supported by another survey of senior corporate executives. According to this research, 6 out of every 10 senior executives say that brands exaggerate their sustainability efforts and provide misinformation. In response, brands need to base their sustainability and social responsibility messages on data and facts.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

In retaıl, ıf you stop, you wıll be frustrated!

In retaıl, ıf you stop, you wıll be frustrated!

In the retail sector, purchasing behavior has turned into a multi-channel interaction experience. It is imperative for brands to design this experience as a multifaceted network of relationships between online and offline channels, both within and between each other. The range of action is vast: physical, digital, virtual and social platforms…

Moreover, it is not enough to take all these elements into account; it is necessary to follow the rapidly developing technologies and capture the new trends and position them in the most appropriate place and in the most appropriate way within the design in question.

In short, if you stop, you will be frustrated!

Although the channels through which customers will act may vary according to the brand’s unique conditions and preferences, the main issue is to reach the target audience in the most appropriate conditions within the framework of their characteristics. This could be a social media platform, video content, a physical location or a video game. It is clear that this diversity requires taking into account the unique conditions of each medium, but it also requires a holistic perspective.

New media integration becomes even more important, especially when it comes to young consumers. According to the results of Google’s August 2022 “Future of Retail: Consumer Survey” conducted by Google in the US, it is seen that young consumers who have made a purchase in the last six months tend to use new media 2 to 3 times more than other consumers.

At this point, a concept that has an increasing influence on the shaping of brands’ marketing strategies, organizational structures and corporate cultures comes to the fore: Agility.

Marketing professionals and agencies have to be more agile than ever in incorporating new media into their strategies. It is not enough to be awake, they need to act as quickly as possible. Because the speed at which consumers switch between brands and products based on their changing needs and expectations is dizzying.

In this context, many different new media channels and various methods can come to the fore at different times. Super apps that bring together different consumer needs on a single platform, buy now pay later systems, loyalty apps, social media sites and artificial intelligence integrated into all these channels are currently the most popular methods.

These trends reveal that brands aiming to emphasize their differences should include solution partners that will enable them to reach their target audiences in the most efficient way.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

The basıc reference source of brand ımage: Corporate Identıty Guıde

The basıc reference source of brand ımage: Corporate Identıty Guıde

There used to be an advertising slogan a long time ago, those who are old enough will remember it. It said “Image is nothing, thirst is everything”; as you can guess, it was a beverage commercial.  This slogan, which was very popular at the time, was perhaps one of the first advertisements to tell the consumer “don’t be satisfied with what is offered to you, what is imposed on you, be yourself”.

This approach has grown in importance from those days to these days. Advertisements that did not give the customer his/her due, that directed him/her to “be something and therefore to buy” with the bombardment of images, and that put the product or brand at the center, have been replaced by a marketing approach that puts the customer at the center.

Nowadays, especially when messages for consumers are taken into account, the fashionable message is not “create an image for yourself and be loyal to it”, but rather “be yourself and be loyal to it”.

But don’t let this outlook fool you! After all, networks of interaction are still, and increasingly so, built on images – more sophisticated images. We all live in the era of hair that “looks messy and natural, but it takes hours to make it look that way”! Be natural but leave nothing to chance… That’s how to be natural!

In short, it is very important for both individuals and brands to create a well-thought-out image, but to present it in a very natural flow, free of compulsions.

One of the main resources for brands to present their image to their target audiences in a consistent way is the “Corporate Identity Guide”.

A corporate identity guide is one of the most important documents determining the brand’s image, including instructions on how to use the brand’s logo, colors, typography, language, marketing materials and other brand elements. Reflecting the brand’s essence, personality, values and target audience, this document helps the brand maintain its consistency and build a strong image.

In order to convey the importance of the corporate identity guide more clearly, it would be appropriate to briefly mention the following issues:

Brand Consistency

A corporate identity guide ensures that the brand maintains consistency, as it specifies the colors, typography and other elements that the brand should use. This consistency allows the brand to be more easily recognized and remembered by consumers. Presenting the brand consistently also helps consumers perceive the brand as more reliable and professional.

Brand Image

A corporate identity guide is also important for a brand to protect its image. A brand creates a certain image by using a certain color palette or typography. This image influences the perception of the brand’s target audience. For example, a technology company may want to create a modern and innovative image, so it will choose the appropriate typography and color palette in its corporate identity guide. The image of the brand helps to decide how consumers perceive the brand and what marketing strategies the brand will use.

Brand Recognition

A corporate identity guide increases brand recognition because it determines how the brand’s logo, colors and other elements are used. When the brand is presented consistently using the elements set out in the corporate identity guide, it is more easily remembered and recognized by consumers.

Brand Awareness

A corporate identity guide increases brand awareness. A consistent brand ensures that consumers remember the brand and recognize and recall it when they see marketing materials related to the brand. This increases the success of the brand’s marketing strategies.

Brand Value

A corporate identity guide increases the value of a brand. The value of a brand is based on consumer perception. When a brand consistently presents the elements defined in the corporate identity guide, it creates the perception that it is more professional, reliable and valuable.

Competitive Advantage

A corporate identity guide ensures that the brand stands out from other brands, has a unique brand identity and personality, and is remembered by the target audience. This increases the competitive advantage of the brand.

Communication Impact

The corporate identity guide ensures that the brand is effective in communicating with the target audience. A consistent brand will be more clearly understood and accepted by conveying the right message to its target audience.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Word of mouth mass communıcatıon!

Word of mouth mass communıcatıon!

The importance of word of mouth is often emphasized. It works most of the time and is often much more effective than other methods. But the question today is: does the ever-increasing development of digital technologies diminish the importance of word-of-mouth?

In fact, people don’t really need to rely on word-of-mouth anymore – with voice, with language, with face-to-face conversations. They can do it on social media platforms and other digital platforms, and they can do it not “one-to-one”, but by reaching a quantity of “one-to-one followers”.

Therefore, it is naturally much more costly for brands to direct consumers to “word of mouth” communication than “word of mouth to thousands of word of mouth” communication.

But there is a point to note here. The character of communication also develops through some basic trajectories, like – not like, but like – the laws of nature. Therefore, while the main character remains constant, the stops or methods change.

So what is that main character? Making your customer your volunteer…

Yesterday, your customers became your communication volunteers by talking; today they become your volunteers by following, sharing, liking.

In short, the widespread use of social media has led to significant changes in word-of-mouth. In the past, word of mouth was often individual and limited. For example, if someone had a good experience with a product, they would share it with their immediate circle. But today, thanks to social media platforms, one person can tell millions of people about their experience with a product. Therefore, social media has changed word-of-mouth strategies and created an environment that requires brands to be more proactive in customer satisfaction and brand management.

The main differences created by the use of social media in word-of-mouth communication can be listed as follows:

Access to Wider Audiences Social media allows a person to share their experience with a product or brand with millions of people instead of sharing it with their immediate circle. One person’s positive or negative comments about a brand can be seen and shared by the masses. This means access to a wider audience and more interaction for brand management.

Faster and Instant Feedback Social media is a great tool for getting instant feedback. Companies can respond quickly to customers who comment or post about a product or their brand. This is extremely important for customer satisfaction. Because customer satisfaction can be increased by addressing negative comments quickly.

More Interaction Opportunities Social media enables brands to interact more with their customers. In this way, a brand can communicate directly with its customers, answer their questions or respond to their feedback. This helps customers to know more about the brand and understand it better.

Content Playing a Bigger Role Social media is at the center of brands’ content strategies. Brands are creating content that creates engagement on social media and sharing it with their customers to reach a wider audience.

As a result, the main issue is to turn your customers into volunteers, both in face-to-face communication and on social media. If you can achieve this, it is very possible to get mass communication efficiency from word-of-mouth communication thanks to social media.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Are new formats kıllıng the old ones?

Are new formats kıllıng the old ones?

First, when television became widespread, the question “Is radio dying?” came up. This was, of course, a long, long time ago. However, we faced a similar question relatively recently: when people started to be equipped with smartphones and tablets. This time the question was, “Are newspapers and magazines dying?”

Even before that, during the tension between computers and television, we asked the question “Is television dying?”

“Everyone uses paper now, are clay tablets dying?!”

This question may also have been asked at one time…

It seems that humanity is so in love with its new inventions that it is quick to label previous, outdated inventions as “dying”.

Similarly, shortly after the internet and social media platforms came into our lives, we suddenly thought that offline marketing channels were close to death. “Digital marketing” suddenly declared its independence. If you remember, advertising agencies claiming to produce only for digital marketing channels were popping up like mushrooms.

However, time showed that none of the above-mentioned channels were dead. Yes, cyclically and periodically, some channels have always been and will continue to be ahead of others. However, this does not mean that other channels have completely disappeared.

In any case, the inclusive arms of communication and marketing are far, far too long to encompass only one medium or format.

As a result, at this point, the marketing world has realized the situation. In a way, the concept of “metaverse”, which has recently entered our lives and has quickly become the first item on the agenda, is the result of this understanding: Marketing strategies should be holistic, supporting and complementing each other with different channels, connecting offline and online, and projecting a projection that will create interaction on both sides.

The declining influence of any medium does not mean that it is dead or obsolete.

Think of it this way: Let’s say you have built a house on a dried-up riverbed. On the surface, you may think you are in a safe area, in your home. But the fact that this medium has dried up does not mean that you are safe. Even though it has dried up, it is still there, and when the right conditions come together, the flood waters will flow through it with all their might.

It’s a cheesy example, but it may help to illustrate the point.

In short, communicators and marketers need to approach all channels, formats and methods from an objective point of view and walk at the peak of pragmatism. Circumstances, conjuncture, target audience, the message itself and other factors may force you to use a medium you thought was “dead”.

Of course, it is a fact that video is the dominant communication format today. Brands are trying to use this area in the most optimal way. In this context, a debate similar to the one mentioned above goes on and on: “Let’s make short videos, long content is dead.”

No, it’s not dead…

We need to abandon the misconception that one method is preferable to another…

What if the process works in reverse? Let’s take a look at the short chronological flow of how we see… First, photography came to the fore on social media. Photographs revealed the moment. But we soon realized that human curiosity is too hungry to be satisfied with the moment alone. Users also wanted to see before and after that moment. But there was a small problem here. The moment needed to be expanded, but people had limited time. Short videos came into play. And in the end, “social media experts” declared the death of long videos.

But as it turns out, the flow doesn’t work that way. How do we know that only the before and after will be enough for people who are curious about what lies beyond the moment? Could it be that the desire to understand the basic conditions that make up the moment, the before and the after is next? In that case, will the more descriptive, larger and longer videos be preferred and the short videos die?!

Research by Google supports this point of view…

tween different screens, video lengths and creators is more common today than ever before. 59% of Gen Zers use short video apps to discover content and then watch longer versions of the same content. 

Isn’t it amazing? And this is Generation Z!

The important thing now is to catch your target audience with a billboard while they are walking on the road or with a newspaper/magazine ad while they are sitting at home; to create the mechanism that will lead them to the digital world; to influence them with creative works, photographs, short and long videos or other forms and, as a result, to direct them to purchase behavior in online or offline channels.

Intertwined methods and channels; an integrated communication strategy… Today, this is a necessity.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

2 new types of ads from Instagram Remınder Ads and Ads ın Search Results

2 new types of ads from Instagram Remınder Ads and Ads ın Search Results

The options for advertisers on social media are increasing every day. Two new types of ads offered by Instagram for businesses are among the alternatives that will enter our lives in the coming days: Reminder Ads and Ads in Search Results.

The first of the new ad types offered by Instagram allows your target audience to receive notifications about your upcoming launch or similar events 1 day before, 15 minutes before or during the event.

The other ad type that will soon be available globally, Ads in Search Results, is targeted at users who are actively searching for products and content. In the new ad type, which is still in the testing phase, users can tap and swipe on a post in the search results to see the ad in the stream.



Nida Kule Güney Barboros Mah. Mor Sümbül Sk.
No:7/3F D:12 Ataşehir / İstanbul

Suite 314, Ashley House, 235-239 High Road Wood Green /
London N22 8HF United Kingdom



+90 216 372 72 57

Copyright © 2024 BGA+ Partners

Creatıng and posıtıonıng a brand

Creatıng and posıtıonıng a brand

In order to clearly understand the concepts of brand formation and positioning, it is useful to first focus on the concept of “brand”.

The word “brand” simply refers to the identity of a product, service or company that can be identified by name, symbol, design or other characteristics and recognized by customers. Brands are created to make it easier for customers to remember and recognize products and services. Often representing the quality, performance or unique features of a product, a brand plays an active role in helping customers determine their preferences. In addition, brands build the image and reputation of companies and help them establish an emotional connection with customers.

In short, a brand is a symbolic entity that carries all the characteristics and values of a product, service or company, as well as having a multi-layered meaning. This symbolic entity leaves an impression in the minds of customers and the emotional connection they feel towards the brand becomes an important factor in success.

Creating and positioning a brand

After this brief introduction, we can take a brief look at the concepts of brand formation and positioning.

Brand building and positioning are two concepts that have similar characteristics in many respects, require similar analysis and need similar approaches. Both have a significant impact on the success of the brand. However, it should not be overlooked that these concepts are directed towards different goals that complement each other. It is possible to put this distinction as follows:

Brand formation refers to the process of creating a brand, while brand positioning analyzes factors such as the brand’s target audience, unique features, competitive advantage and communication strategy to determine how the brand will be positioned in the market. 

It’s a sweet little brand…

Building a new brand is like giving birth to a baby… A baby whose hair color, eye color, height, personality, character (…) are determined by you…

For this reason alone, when the baby grows up and becomes an adult (becomes a brand), you should analyze very carefully so that you do not end up with an image that does not match your goals, identity and values…

Brand building is the process of creating a company or product’s unique identity and sharing it with the target audience. Good brand building has the power to increase the recognition, reputation and sales of a company or product.

It would be appropriate to mention some basic paths that should be followed to achieve success in the brand building process. These paths can be briefly explained as follows:

Determining the Target Audience: First of all, it is necessary to determine who the target audience of the brand is. Factors such as age, gender, income level and interests are taken into consideration when defining the target audience.

Competition Analysis: It is necessary to analyze how competing brands are formed and how they appeal to the target audience.

Determining Brand Values: Brand values are the characteristics that determine the benefits a brand offers and its relationship with its target audience. These values are directly related to the identity and personality of the brand.

Name and Logo Selection: The name and logo are the most important parts of the brand; both help the brand to connect with its target audience and be memorable.

Determining Communication and Marketing Strategy: The communication and marketing strategy determines how the brand will communicate with its target audience and carry out promotional activities. This strategy enables the brand to interact with its target audience and increase brand awareness.

Taking these steps correctly and a successful brand building process can help consumers build a strong bond with the brand and help the brand create loyal customers.

Let’s talk about brand positioning!

Brand positioning can be explained as the process of identifying the unique benefits, features and personality of the brand as perceived by the target audience and determining its place in the minds of the target audience. This process is extremely important for the brand to be understood and recognized by its target audience. A good brand positioning helps the brand to gain a strong place in the minds of consumers, differentiate and gain competitive advantage.

Identifying the target audience and brand values and analyzing the competition are crucial steps in brand positioning as well as in brand formation. The key point in terms of brand positioning also includes the determination of what to do in terms of interpreting these features put forward in the brand formation process correctly and transferring them to the target audience in the most effective way. At this point, two important steps come into play:

Determining the Brand Message: The brand message is a tool used to communicate the benefits and features offered to the brand’s target audience. The brand message should be an expression that emphasizes the uniqueness of the brand, appeals to the target audience and reflects the brand’s personality.

Positioning Strategy: The positioning strategy involves a plan that reflects the brand’s unique benefits and personality to the target audience and determines how the brand will be perceived by the target audience.

Differences and similarities

As a result, correctly identifying the differences and similarities between brand building and positioning is among the most important factors that determine the success of the outcome. Let’s take a brief look at these similarities and differences once again:

In brand building, the brand name, logo, colors, typography and other visual elements are determined while creating the brand identity. It also defines the brand’s personality, values and target audience. Brand building focuses on laying the foundations of the brand and creating the basic building blocks necessary for the brand to be recognized and remembered by its target audience.

Brand positioning is the process of identifying the unique benefits, features and personality of the brand as “perceived” by the target audience and determining its place in the minds of the target audience. This process determines how the brand will communicate with its target audience, how it will differentiate itself from competitors, its brand values, message and positioning strategy.



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