Metaverse ıs Comıng!

Metaverse is Coming!

Forget about the digital experience you’ve ever had so far! First virtual reality, then augmented reality, now finally the alternative universe calls us, with the metaverse. Metaverse, which removes another border between the physical and digital world, is a much more fast-moving, exciting and interactive virtual world. Indeed, it’s estimated that one out of every four people will spend at least one hour per day in the metaverse by 2026. So, what is metaverse? What does it change, what does it promise? What does it mean for marketing?

Metaverse for beginners

The term metaverse can be traced back to the 1990s. Author Neal Stephenson first coined the term in his 1992 science-fiction novel ‘Snow Crash’. Matrix series or games like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Minecraft said a lot about it. But in 2021, Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook is rebranding as Meta, the term suddenly came to the fore.

The word metaverse is a portmanteau of the Greek term ‘meta’ (meaning beyond, post) and the English word ‘universe’. In a word, we can call the metaverse ‘beyond the universe’. In practical terms here are the ones that most define it: The next phase of the internet, the internet we live in, is not two-dimensional but three-dimensional internet. Simply the metaverse is a virtual reality world where users can interact, game, shop, conduct business as they would in the real world. We exist in this world through our virtual representations, aka our avatars.

What we do in this world?

Let’s put it this way: With current AR and VR technology, we can do many day-to-day businesses in the metaverse, such as going to the movies or restaurants, attending a business meeting. We can go to the stores with our avatar and go shopping while sitting at home, and then the product we buy comes to our real address. With real estate sales, concerts, virtual stores of many famous brands, and even banks, the virtual universe ‘comes to life’. Virtual currencies are circulating in the crypto money market, NFTs, that is, non-fungible tokens are bought and sold.

And consumers seem to be fond of it. As of March 2022, the keyword ‘metaverse’ yields more than 68 million results on Google. The hashtag #metaverse is widely used on Instagram, with at least 1.3 million posts. So, what are the effects of the metaverse when it comes to social media and digital marketing?

Metaverse marketing  

For brands, metaverse represents an opportunity to reach new audiences, improve customer confidence, and find out a potential revenue stream. The key point is to create marketing experiences that are linked to real-world experiences or what the brand does in real life. While doing this, marketers need to keep in mind the value of millennials and Gen Z, who dominates the metaverse. Here, we can summarize which strategies stand out as follows:

  • Adapting your brand naturally into the platform is important. Like having virtual billboards within online games, digital concerts, or sports activities, placing ads on users’ avatars.
  • Real-life marketing in the virtual stage means a lot. to It’s necessary to replicate what the brand/product offers in real life in the virtual world. This also increases engagement. E.g., creating avatars that deliver food or use your products.
  • You can develop the marketing strategy through avatars. Think of this as influencer marketing… User-generated content is quite important, and in the metaverse, they become integral parts of the campaigns.
  • You can have your virtual store and make interactive 3D presentations. You can create campaigns, that prioritize customer experience/participation; e.g., live events or gamification. Furthermore, you can offer virtual try-on.
  • You can confer limited-edition items that they can only collect and use in the metaverse. Like, creating items for avatars that they can use in-game.

The Metaverse, as emerged from science fiction books and adapted to the real world, offers a unique experience to both individuals and brands. In this universe, we can access almost all of the real-life experiences, and it is not yet clear how much it will expand. But to discover and use it, that’s all we’ve got right now!



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